Saturday, May 31, 2008

I posted this on Chez's Deus Ex Malcontent blog, and he apparently enjoyed my on my thoughts on this weekend's premiere of what I like to call, "Sex is so shitty....."

A friend emailed a bunch of us at the beginning of the week, saying what a big fan she was of this idiotic slut-fest and how she had been DYING waiting for this movie to come out and did a group of us want to get together and go see it? My reply? I would rather eat my son's shoes. If you have ever been around the shoes of a 13 year old boy, you know how serious that is. And, I am SOOOOO sick and tired of the media talking about all the "women" who just can't wait for this and who will be lining up around the block (Yeah, thanks Meredith Viera) to see this stanky turd dressed in horrid designer rags. Umm, I don't know what brain-dead Romero-type zombie bitches you are talking about, media-heads, but my REAL friends and I will be staying away in droves. I think if I do see a movie this weekend, it will be "Ironman," again. I much prefer action and explosions to horsefaced horny twats. Kill me and re-animate me when they are gone for good.....and can they take Victoria Beckham with them? She looks like she belongs.


Tamster said...


God, I hate it when people insinuate I have anything in common with these characters. I can't get through five minutes of that show without gagging for one of three reason: 1). Good god, you call that fashion? 2). Good god, you call that acting? and 3). Good god, how fast can I run away from these shrill harpies?

Tamster said...

p.s. found you via Pajiba. Rock on.

dammitjanet said...

hehehe, thanks, Tam. Couldn't agree more. Anything SJP did after Footloose, or KC did after Porky's doesn't even merit mention. I will give Cynthia Nixon some slack, because at least she did Warm Springs on HBO and played a fairly decent Eleanor Roosevelt. And, the doormat girl? I can't even remember her name, that's how much I can't stand her....

Unknown said...

Woohoo! Jam out with your clam out! Found you through the link you posted on the Wanted comments.

Anonymous said...

How you find ideas for articles, I am always lack of new ideas for articles. Some tips would be great