Thursday, August 20, 2009

That's right, bitches. It is ON!

The illustrious Figgy of Pajiba, melting majestically in Texas while on vacay from Honduras, has chosen yours truly to take on the duties of choosing Pajiba's "Eloquent Eloquence"-- or top 10 comments of the week, for the upcoming week.

As a Pajiba-nut (Pajibanatic, Pajibaloonie, Pajibamaniac, what have you) I am very excited and honored. I will freely admit that I spend a large portion of my free time on Pajiba. Most of my *cough* mass *ahem* of visitors to this blog are Pajibans, so they know what the competition is like, and how exciting it is to be chosen for the top 10, if not for the #1 position. I'm not sure how I am going to do it. There are so many damn funny people on Pajiba....Skitz, TK, PissBoy, Anna VB, Julie, Dr. C, admin, Kolby, Stacy, Sabrina, Genny/Rusty, PaddyDog, Lizzie...oh, crap, I could never name you all. I don't know how I am going to choose. I did post some items that could be used for bribery, so we'll see who ponies up.

Anyway, it's going to be an interesting week. This is doubly odd, since I still have to write my confessional about my lip balm/Chapstick addiction that so many of us Pajibaladies admitted to recently.

Pray for's gonna be a long, tough week.


Anna von Beaverplatz said...

Good luck with that, crazy! I did it once. It was... insane, to say the least. It was lots of fun, though. And always interesting to see what kind of weirdo header pic Dustin comes up with.

DeistBrawler said...

Again I get lost in the mentioned (AvB did the same thing)...what type of humor do you like damn't. By god I will go bat shit insane...I will win this shit, I will win it.

Mike Reyes said...

Ms. Janet, you crack me up. That photo is hysterical. :) Best of luck keeping your sanity with this whole rigamarole.

dammitjanet said...

Oh, Deist, you KNOW you're my #1 stalker!!!!

dammitjanet said...

Oh, Dr. C....that pic is from backstage during last year's production of "God's Favorite." Yeah, the whole production kinda went like that.